Armistice Bells
Armistice Bells: Max 8 patch to run the electronics for Meditation (after Donne). Link to an 88-key keyboard to trigger via player in orchestra, or just use spacebar. Needs the quite-large database of bell audio clips. Contact for patches and audio etc.
Armistice Bells Edu
Reworked version of the Armistice Bells patch to allow control from 4 iPads (using Mira) developed for education projects linked to the first run of performances of Meditation (after Donne). Could be reworked / reused for other education-type projects. Can use an arbitrary set of pre-recorded sounds instead of the core bells database, which certain age-groups find diverting…
Just Tune!
A conductor’s aid, really. Yes it’s fugly, but it can be useful to very quickly get some audio of a given partial of a given fundamental. Hence the iPad original from 2014ish, using MobMuPlat to get Pd patches running on iOS. You can download the .mmp and .pd files here – you’ll need MobMuPlat from the app store to get them to run.
This was originally requested by the conductor Clement Power who still regularly uses it with e.g. Klangforum Wien, Ensemble Musikfabrik etc. Richard Baker has been known to use it as well. I put together a version on Max more recently, but there’s currently no way of having Max run within an iPad (Mira requires the host computer to tag along, and that’s where all the audio comes from) so it’s a little more limited in a way. (Though if you had your Max-running computer hooked up to the PA, and then used Mira on the iPad from the conductor’s spot whenever needed this could work quite well. Anyway this is somewhat in limbo until someone pesters me from a genuine need for it…)
Quarter-tone keys
This is the Pd patch I’ve used for 24tet sketching / improvising since around 2010, and has been modified very little since 2012. Which is to say there are many more user-friendly, flexible, and prettier options out there: Leimma is one; Sevish’s Scale Workshop is another. And, not gonna lie, quite often I’ll just use Sibelius playback with everything on e.g. flute. But if you must, the patch etc. is at this link, along with some very out-of-date documentation. If you can’t make it work, email me and I’ll do my best to help.